An interesting read. I remember some of the controversy when that article came out. I'm afraid regardless of the truth of the matter this type of research is unlikely to get much funding in the West, at least in the near future.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

So, at the end what have we learned?

That there is no genuine evidence for the idea that the first homo-sapiens (African people) are cognitively inferior than non-Africans. Its a bit like those kilns in Nigeria Simon eroniously dismisses as evidence for metal welding appearing in Nigeria before anywhere else. Yet unlike those Kilns Simon dedicates an entire article to talking about two genes that are more common in non-Africans with no obvious significant advantage. 😂😂😂

LMAO! I think one thing any intelligent person has learned reading this is that Simon like to intellectually masturbate the puny intellects of low-intellegence poor English people. Hahahahaha! Don't forget to swallow afterwards Simon!😂😂😂

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You might care to check out the references which I gave and then we can discuss the matter further. Curious how many of the people who disagree with me vehemently, rely upon homoerotic imagery of masturbation and fellatio! I'm sure that there is a reason for this, but I am not a psychoanalyst.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

I'm curious as to why people like you vehemently attack african people's cognitive skills despite all the evidence disproving it. Yet you and your own personal ancestors have done nothing note worthy in society. Also, you never addressed my concerns about these two genes which have just been past on a lot but, play no significant roles. Yet you dedicate an entire article to them but won't for superior evidence of metal welding in ancient Nigeria. Hmmmm....I wonder why? I'm sure there's a reason but, I'm no psychologist.

Good night Simon hopefully you don't fall out of bed dreaming about Aryan cock going up your rear end😂😂😂😂

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Once again, the homosexual fantasies!

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Once again you love masturbating the ego of European supremacists.

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More masturbation! There is, I think, little point in continuing this exchange. For any normal and sane people following this thread, I ought perhaps to point out this 'Mr Bloom' often comments on my YouTube channel in a similar vein. Whatever the topic under discussion, he invariably manages to bring mutual masturbation and oral sex into it...

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what about the evidence of metal welding in ancient Nigeria that Mr.bloom is mentioning, what are your opinion about this?

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deletedAug 13
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Aug 13·edited Aug 13

When did I deny that modern Europeans inherited D.N.A from neanderthals?

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Good article, Simon.

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Thank you!

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Is it fair to say that the claim "[t]here is also no evidence that modern Europeans inherited genes from Neanderthals", was erroneous? Unless there was contradictory evidence to hand at the time, their assertion was as correct as it could be.

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The conventional current narrative remains that mankind's original 'Adam' and 'Eve' arose first in central Africa. If that is true, how is that there are human genes not found in those primeval populations? There must have been other populations that possibly pre-date those from Africa, or at least date from no later than the time the African migrants moved north into Europe and the Middle East.

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Don't any two separately evolved groups have differing genes? Even Papuans living in relative proximity do: https://www.sanger.ac.uk/news_item/huge-genetic-diversity-among-papuan-new-guinean-peoples-revealed/

So I don't see anything peculiar about certain genes only being found outside of central Africa. New genes can be contributed by admixture, as some were in the Neanderthal case, but they also arise out of evolution within a given population.

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