Simon, they are savages pure and simple. Just look at Valdo Calocane. Their mindset, behaviour, culture and (lack of) values are just so diametrically opposed to their Western counterparts. They simply have no place in our society.

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And yet they are here and walk among us! We have to work out a way to live side by side.

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One cannot condemn millions of people because of the actions of one man (or even a few). It is true they generally have different values and ON AVERAGE they might be less intelligent, but that does not mean that any one individual taken at random from the black population is necessarily less intelligent or less civilised than you or I. The intelligent and civilised ones DO have a place in our society (if they are already here), but many, unfortunately, do not fit this profile.

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What will be fascinating will be when AI is turned loose across the increasing numbers of papers noting a genetic difference between our various subspecies… as Steve Sailor has noted, for example, the IQ gap (white v black) is the most documented issue in the history of the social sciences … which will leave us with the question: Now what?

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We hear about "the global majority" putting people of white European ancestry into a minority position purely based on skin colour, which, by its very nature, is racist.

From a genetic perspective, howver, surely it is sub-Saharan Africans who are the minoriyy, since they are the only human population that doesn't have any Neanderthal DNA in their genome.

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Sub-Saharan Africans are indeed a minority! There are roughly 1.2 billion people in Africa. Not all of them are black, of course—Egypt alone contains 109 million Arabs. In total, there are perhaps 220 million Arabs, Berbers, and white people living in Africa, which means that there are something in the region of 980 million black people on the continent. Another 43 million black people live in the Caribbean, perhaps 15 million in Brazil and of course some 40 million African-Americans. Then there are half a million or so aboriginals in Australia. All told, there are probably about 1.1 billion black people on Earth. Of course, the total human population is now approaching 8 billion, which means that black people only make up one-seventh of the people in the world. Put another way, six-sevenths of the global population is not black. There can be no doubt in the fact that black people are a minority whether looked at in terms of the populations of Britain or the United States or even from a global perspective!

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The evidence of the fundamental inability to compete intellectually not only is all around us, this evidence is the entire basis for continuing Affirmative Action and its bastard child, DIE, both of which must be seen as formal academic and governmental acceptance of these cognitive differences and their absolute impact on society.

The bigger question is this: why is society willing to not only forego further progress, but to actively, demandingly, pursue regression by pretending not only that Africans are cognitively equal, but to place a higher value on them across all professions, from cops to pilots, than those who are demonstrably cognitively superior - again, which is the basis for Affirmative Action…?

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Just a comment on this issue of modern Homo sapiens having 3% of neanderthal DNA. It is often deduced from that, that 97% of it no longer exists. You make this point too. Yet we are also told that we have over 90% similar DNA to a chimpanzee, or perhaps more, I forget the number. And a very substantial proportion the same as an earthworm. This suggest that of that 97% , most of it was mostly identical to ours. What the 3% represents is an element of DNA which was unique to Neanderthals and not to Homo sapiens originally. This raises the question, which is the older species of homo?

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You are of course quite right! All we can say with certainty is that the Neanderthal DNA makes us different from black Africans and the evidence suggests that this difference is an improvement.

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DNA Suggests Modern Humans Emerged From Several Groups in Africa, Not One.


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Yes, almost every day new evidence emerges to show that the situation with human origins is far more complicated than we once thought!

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