Polish leaders in the 1930s and 1940s, including General Sikorski, were very keen on concentration camps. They were especially fond of locking Jews up in them
Thank you so much Mr Webb. I'm 76 and had no knowledge of all of this. It was most enlightening and certainly brought home to me that my knowledge of a lot of history is very much lacking. Its certainly true the old adage....."You're never too old to learn".
One would think Jews in Poland and in Great Britain would have done everything possible to assist the Poles and British allies in the war. Why then would Poland have sent so many Polish Jews to concentration camps set up in Great Britain? One explanation: Polish Jews were not aligned with the allies. Why?
Thank you so much Mr Webb. I'm 76 and had no knowledge of all of this. It was most enlightening and certainly brought home to me that my knowledge of a lot of history is very much lacking. Its certainly true the old adage....."You're never too old to learn".
I'm so glad that you liked the piece! It is always faintly surprising to me that people actually enjoy my videos...
Mr Webb, have you read the book Hellstorm by Thomas Goodrich? I would like to see you make a video about it.
I have read it, yes. I shall certainly think about a video.
One would think Jews in Poland and in Great Britain would have done everything possible to assist the Poles and British allies in the war. Why then would Poland have sent so many Polish Jews to concentration camps set up in Great Britain? One explanation: Polish Jews were not aligned with the allies. Why?
What were concentration camps?
Note to Jews: Never live anywhere you can't own a rifle. You owe it to yourself and your children. No one is coming to save you.
Could this be why Ukraine's current leader has led the Ukrainian people to their destruction?
You may have a point!
I think I could make money selling a T shirt with a moustache on it, with the words "hello again" below it. Lol
It's an interesting idea, but I don't think that the world is ready yet for merch bearing my image...
You would be suprised.