Whilst all these cultures increasingly take root in our society, which we are encouraged to tolerate and celebrate, at the same time any celebration of our own culture has come to now be viewed negatively as ‘far right’, ‘racist’, ‘little englander’ etc etc. Streets are renamed, statues torn down, preference given to other cultures over our own…

This will only get worse over time, and given that English people, in a city such as London for example, do not have any such ‘enclave’ and rather are peppered throughout the city amongst all the ghettos, eventually they will be forced out of these areas and have no choice but to leave the city.

What infuriates me is when naïve liberals stroll through the hellhole that is London and harp on about ‘how great it is to live amongst different cultures’, yet they cannot name a single benefit when challenged (other than maybe a few different cuisines) and become defensive and start accusing you of being racist etc. It is this very attitude and our sense of ‘fair play’ that will ultimately be our downfall.

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Of course so called white flight has been taking place for years from London - but the way things are going there will be few places for white people to run to - even towns like mine in the North East, once almost entirely white British - in the 1970s and pretty much up to 2000 apart from a small Pakistani population - have in a short time started to become very diverse - we now have some classrooms of kids which are pretty much made up of people from ethnic minorities. Of course, individually some of these people may be very nice and on a daily basis it is white chavs who seem to cause me most problems - but this does not feel like the place I grew up in or even the same place as ten years ago.

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In short, it is no longer like England!

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Yes, whilst I sort of expect it in London, it always shocks me when I go up north and see it happening there also.

It doesn’t help that universities up and down the country are enthusiastically recruiting thousands of overseas students because of the higher fees, when in reality most of these overseas students are doing Mickey Mouse degrees with few employment prospects and are just using the study opportunity as a means to immigrate here permanently (and bring their whole family over).

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I entirely agree - apparently many of the 'students; disappear from their courses and take up work in local factories and warehouses - the change in my local area has happened very quickly and has accelerated in the last two-three years.

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'Daniel Radley' writes (diplomatically?, balanced?): "... we are encouraged [by whom?, My Rem.] to tolerate and celebrate [all these cultures]".

I would say that this is not correctly described. English people are put to an ultimatum: – Like it ('diversity is a strength'), or be declared as a faulty (disgraceful) human being and treated as such (stigmatisation [*1]).

To put it in other words: – Accused of being a 'racist', which is Defamation: [Wikipedia] 'Crime or tort of harming the reputation of a legal person through false or misleading statement', ie. a crime/against the law.

Then why is not the muslim [*2] pakistani [*2] mayor of London convicted in court (which is the institution that ultimately/definitely sets the borders/ways for the integration process)?

[*1] History Debunked (deleted YouTube-video) 2023-Mar-18: "When speaking the truth about gender and race becomes a revolutionary act":


– "In the western world today, one of the most deadly accusations which can be laid against anybody is that a person is racist or sexist."

– "The very suggestion of such a thing can be enough to destroy a man's career or see him shunned like a leper."

[*2] People of these two social denominators are not famous/known for respecting minorities, or liking diversity (cultural, ethnic, religious). – Then why have not journalists asked about this/the mayor's hypocrisy?:

– "The best thing about living in Shadwell is you are living with people like you, says a local who has lived and traded in the area for more than 20 years."

(2023-Jan-12 MyLondon.News: "The bustling East London neighbourhood that feels like you're living in Bangladesh")

Some say there is two-tier policing ("against white working class", New Culture Forum, YouTube 2024-May-02). – What about two-tier morals/'values': "white, Western people" vs. everykind else?

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Excellent summing up of the state of most of the western world and so foreseeable. Unfortunately it doesn’t look as if it all going to end peacefully.

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To speak plainly, I don't see how it can end peacefully.

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Morning Simon - carry on speaking clearly ! ! Appreciate your monologues and written words.

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Thank you, you are very kind.

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The only group that does not seem to have a strong sense of themselves - at least for many - are the white British.

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Which of course explains a great deal. We have no sense of racial pride.

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As someone who grew up in Northern Ireland during the troubles, I'm well aware of how people from different cultures/religions at best only tolerate each other. A strange thing however seems to be happening at the present. People who were once at each others throats, appear to be uniting in a common identity against mass immigration. This from other cultures has largely been foist upon them against their will. On a recent visit, this was the main topic of conversation among people, who in the past would have crossed the road to avoid each other! It will be interesting to see how this pans out in the future. I suspect things are going to get very nasty, very quickly. The Irish appear to be much less tolerant of multiculturalism than the English, and will even put aside old grievances to fight against it!

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Dear Simon, wow you can write, I read your piece in seconds, it flowed so beautifully. It needs to be compulsory reading for our hopeless leaders.

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Thank you very much for you opinion. I try to write as I speak, that is to say naturally and without lot of fancy words!

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Simon’wisdom and insight would be a welcome addition to the MSM but something tells me that he will not be invited anytime soon.

More’s the pity.

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You are very kind. Like you, I doubt if I will be invited to share my views with the readers of national newspapers or major television channels any time soon!

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Whilst all these cultures increasingly take root in our society, which we are encouraged to tolerate and celebrate, at the same time any celebration of own our culture has come to now be viewed negatively as ‘far right’, ‘racist’, ‘little englander’ etc etc. Streets are renamed, statues torn down, preference given to other cultures over our own…

This will only get worse over time, and given that English people, in a city such as London for example, do not have any such ‘enclave’ and rather are peppered throughout the city amongst all the ghettos, eventually they will be forced out of these areas and have no choice but to leave the city.

What infuriates me is when naïve liberals stroll through the hellhole that is London and harp on about ‘how great it is to live amongst different cultures’, yet they cannot name a single benefit when challenged (other than maybe a few different cuisines) and become defensive and start accusing you of being racist etc. It is this very attitude and our sense of ‘fair play’ that will ultimately be our downfall.

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Very true Daniel but what can we do?

None of the existing mainstream political parties seem to be willing to even acknowledge the situation never mind proposing a solution .

Looking at the so called ‘far right’ parties they seem to be a pathetic bunch of ‘hobby nazis’ snd no hopers . An English equivalent of AfD in Germany might be a good option but no sign

of such a development as far as I can see.

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it is mainstream politics which has created and continues to encourage this - there is no real far right in this country or indeed any sensible politics - even people of the old labour left surely would not have been in favour of national destruction.

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Never was a truer word written Simon. Will people ever wake up snd accept the awful reality of the disaster that has been inflicted upon us by our rulers?

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They have not, in general, done so yet...

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Perhaps it would help if more people accepted that it is more important for us to be realists than not to be thought to be racists?

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I can't see that happening any time soon!

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It's an example of another British disease: soft or benevolent white supremacy. Here we are, civilizing the natives, this time on our home turf. We'll shew the rest of the world how it's done and succeed where others have failed.

BTW, it's 'the lion lies down with the lamb'. 'lies' - intransitive.

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