I thoroughly enjoyed that Simon. Thank you for posting it and looking forward to the next one.

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Me too!

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I'm so glad that these novels are going down so well! I'll start serialising another one in a day or two.

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Thank you Simon,

Your books are not the type I would normally read, my favourite author is John Le Carre. However I have thoroughly enjoyed all your work on Substack and felt I should thank you for your efforts

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Thanks for that. My stuff is definitely not on the same level as John La Carre

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Thank you Simon for writing such rip roaring tales. My enjoyment of this genre has been a pleasant surprise.

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I am really delighted that people are finding these tales worth reading! They are really no more than simple stories and I surprised that so many readers appear to find them worthwhile. I shall start serialising another one in a few days.

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Another excellent story Simon, thanks for publishing this great tale and I look forward to your next one.

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It is a pleasure to me to find that people like these stories!

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