Does this go partially towards explaining why the French authorities appear to make no attempt to stop the swarm of illegal immigrants across the Channel into our country. Of course it also rids them of some of their unwanted influx. The bombing of civilians by the Allies in World War 2 is a subject you have covered before but is always worth being reminded about. I knew nothing of this until you wrote about it.

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Yes, it has a great deal of bearing on the matter!

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Very interesting. As an American student of history I had heard anything about our role in killing so many friendly allies or destroying their towns.

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Nobody likes to talk about it...

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40 years ago I made the first of many sailing trips to Normandy and Brittany. One evening when a now friendly German navy minesweeper was in St Malo I asked a bar owner how he felt now about their presence. His reply was, “…well, during the war they were spending money here buying beer and food, while your lot were offshore shelling us. I’m glad we’re all on the same side now, he said, but please don’t imagine things were as simple as you assume!”

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The reason why De Gaulle said no to the UK joining the common market was because he wanted agricultural support which he feared the UK would veto. Once this was passed the French wanted the UK to join his stated reason was a lie.

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Been to Normandy, Omaha beach et Al. The town has American and Canadian flags all around town. I believe the old generation is thankful

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One of the many reasons why I like Foyles War and consider it to be the best UK police drama is because the producers were unafraid to tackle various aspects of the dark under belly of conduct of the 2nd World War in England. One of the gnarly topics covered was friendly fire and how such incidents were covered up.

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deletedJun 6
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Yes indeed. The actions in Algeria and Indo-China certainly do not bear close examination!

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