When I was a student in the 1980s I often wondered what it must be like living in the Soviet Union or East Germany in terms of free speech/free press and unfortunately I now have a pretty good idea. We also now have political prisoners just as they did back then. I noticed this back in 2015/17 when I worked in a prison as a careers officer for a couple of years. I came across at least two people who, in my opinion, were clearly political prisoners. No doubt there are many more now.
I used to think that most citizens in the Soviet Union and East-Germany were well aware they were being lied to non-stop. Now however, seeing how many of my friends and family are totally oblivious of what is going on, I am no longer sure.
A snippet of a typical email exchange in Whitehall:
Comrade George,
In the spirit of tireless labour and unwavering commitment to the advancement of the people's cause, I salute your dedication to the prosperity of the working intelligentsia. Your efforts shall not go unrecognised by the Supreme Commission! Together, we march ever forward, side by side, toward the radiant victory of our shared ideals.
Let your name be inscribed among the heroes of the people's progress!
Onward, to the triumph of unity and collective glory!
Comrade Charles,
In the unyielding pursuit of our collective mission, I am both humbled and honoured by your recognition. It is through our united strength and tireless resolve that the cause of the working intelligentsia continues to flourish. Your words are a testament to the power of solidarity and the unwavering spirit of progress.
Together, we stand as pillars of the people's movement, and it is with this shared purpose that we shall overcome all obstacles in our path. The light of our ideals shines ever brighter as we press onward, unshaken and resolute.
May our deeds echo through history, as we carve our place among the vanguard of progress!
Onward, to the resplendent future that inevitably awaits!
The reason Why media does not mention that news about violence/disorder have something to do with non-english, minorities/"vulnerable groups", immigrants and refugees is because of their rules of ethics :
BBC Editorial Guidelines, Section 1: "The BBC's Editorial Standards", 1.2 "Our editorial values":
– "freedom of expression is not an absolute right – it carries duties and responsibilities"
– "In exercising freedom of expression, we must offer appropriate [Bold/emphasis:] PROTECTION TO VULNERABLE GROUPS AND AVOID CAUSING UNJUSTIFIABLE OFFENCE."
SO, if eg. BBC does not adhere to their Editorial Guidelines, then this might happen :
2024-Aug-19 BBC News:
– The prime minister has called the recent RACIALLY-MOTIVATED violence in Northern Ireland "intolerable".
– The prime minister said the disorder was "incapable of justification, it’s CLEARLY RACIST and does not represent the modern forward looking Northern Ireland that I know this place is".
This violence Did happen, because of the Internet/Web (acc. the government) — where people are free to define their own limits of "freedom of expression" — that does not have "Editorial Guidelines". Therefore, the government felt a need to regulate it via laws that fines (?) 'Social Media' companies (eg. YouTube, Facebook) :
2024-Aug-08 BBC News: "Take action now over riot posts, social media firms told"
– The GOVERNMENT has DEFENDED the MEDIA REGULATOR's response to the UNREST in the UK, saying it has made clear SOCIAL MEDIA companies SHOULD ACT over their role in the CRISIS.
– Ofcom has published an open letter to the platforms saying they should not wait until it gets enhanced powers under the ONLINE SAFETY ACT before taking action.
– The role that social media is playing in the DISORDER being seen in England and NORTHERN IRELAND is coming under increasing scrutiny.
ALTHOUGH the ("racially-motivated") Violence is caused by a very small minority of the public/english, the government sees that the ROOT-cause is a larger Peaceful portion of the english people: – ie. Those who agree with the reason for the (BBC:) "anti-immigration protests", and those who do not really/no longer agree with the government's claim/view that 'Diversity [cultural, ethnic, religious] is a strength' and that England is a "fantastic multi-ethnic democracy" :
2023-Sep-28 The Guardian: "Rishi SUNAK rejects Braverman claim MULTICULTURALISM has failed": (SUNAK:) –"I think this is something that is incredible about our country, is that it is a fantastic multi-ethnic democracy"
[EDITOR'S NOTE: "This article was amended on 2 October 2023. An earlier version misquoted Rishi Sunak as referring to the UK as a 'MULTICULTURAL democracy'; he described it as a 'MULTI-ETHNIC democracy'."]
SO, in order for the government to ROOT-out this wrong view from many english (in the long run preventing violence and hatred), it/they have created 'hate-crime' laws and ways (ie. 'Social Engeneering') to correct 'wrong-think', ie. what has become abNormal to think :
(Ref. "... racial and cultural landscape of the UK had changed so much that white Britain no longer DETERMINES what is normal for our society" (Sir Trevor Phillips [OBE , fmr. politician], 2024-Oct-14, The Telegraph)
2024-Nov-16 The Telegraph.co.uk: "The Welsh Government has pledged to change the 'beliefs and behaviour of the white majority' in Wales":
– Labour's ant-racist action plan aims to "build an inclusive society for all our black, Asian and minority ethnic people".
So, THE TWO decisive differences between the former SOVIET-people and today's welsh/english are, that the latter...
1. ... live in a democracy: "If you vote for the Labour Party, you get the future you choose" (video 17:45–18:27, Lotus Eaters #1044, segment "Our Governments Engage in Social Engineering");
2. ... and can use the Defamation Law when wrongly accused of thinking, behaving or being a 'racist'.
When I was a student in the 1980s I often wondered what it must be like living in the Soviet Union or East Germany in terms of free speech/free press and unfortunately I now have a pretty good idea. We also now have political prisoners just as they did back then. I noticed this back in 2015/17 when I worked in a prison as a careers officer for a couple of years. I came across at least two people who, in my opinion, were clearly political prisoners. No doubt there are many more now.
Yes, political prisoners and censorship are not something many of us would have expected to see in this country forty years ago!
I used to think that most citizens in the Soviet Union and East-Germany were well aware they were being lied to non-stop. Now however, seeing how many of my friends and family are totally oblivious of what is going on, I am no longer sure.
I don't think that most people in Britain are really aware of the extent of the deceptions being practiced upon them!
A snippet of a typical email exchange in Whitehall:
Comrade George,
In the spirit of tireless labour and unwavering commitment to the advancement of the people's cause, I salute your dedication to the prosperity of the working intelligentsia. Your efforts shall not go unrecognised by the Supreme Commission! Together, we march ever forward, side by side, toward the radiant victory of our shared ideals.
Let your name be inscribed among the heroes of the people's progress!
Onward, to the triumph of unity and collective glory!
Comrade Charles,
In the unyielding pursuit of our collective mission, I am both humbled and honoured by your recognition. It is through our united strength and tireless resolve that the cause of the working intelligentsia continues to flourish. Your words are a testament to the power of solidarity and the unwavering spirit of progress.
Together, we stand as pillars of the people's movement, and it is with this shared purpose that we shall overcome all obstacles in our path. The light of our ideals shines ever brighter as we press onward, unshaken and resolute.
May our deeds echo through history, as we carve our place among the vanguard of progress!
Onward, to the resplendent future that inevitably awaits!
Lovely. Maybe over time, videos will move exclusively to Substack—a proper samizdat. Glory to work, comrades!
Thank you! I hope to do some more videos here.
The reason Why media does not mention that news about violence/disorder have something to do with non-english, minorities/"vulnerable groups", immigrants and refugees is because of their rules of ethics :
BBC Editorial Guidelines, Section 1: "The BBC's Editorial Standards", 1.2 "Our editorial values":
– "freedom of expression is not an absolute right – it carries duties and responsibilities"
– "In exercising freedom of expression, we must offer appropriate [Bold/emphasis:] PROTECTION TO VULNERABLE GROUPS AND AVOID CAUSING UNJUSTIFIABLE OFFENCE."
SO, if eg. BBC does not adhere to their Editorial Guidelines, then this might happen :
2024-Aug-19 BBC News:
– The prime minister has called the recent RACIALLY-MOTIVATED violence in Northern Ireland "intolerable".
– The prime minister said the disorder was "incapable of justification, it’s CLEARLY RACIST and does not represent the modern forward looking Northern Ireland that I know this place is".
This violence Did happen, because of the Internet/Web (acc. the government) — where people are free to define their own limits of "freedom of expression" — that does not have "Editorial Guidelines". Therefore, the government felt a need to regulate it via laws that fines (?) 'Social Media' companies (eg. YouTube, Facebook) :
2024-Aug-08 BBC News: "Take action now over riot posts, social media firms told"
– The GOVERNMENT has DEFENDED the MEDIA REGULATOR's response to the UNREST in the UK, saying it has made clear SOCIAL MEDIA companies SHOULD ACT over their role in the CRISIS.
– Ofcom has published an open letter to the platforms saying they should not wait until it gets enhanced powers under the ONLINE SAFETY ACT before taking action.
– The role that social media is playing in the DISORDER being seen in England and NORTHERN IRELAND is coming under increasing scrutiny.
ALTHOUGH the ("racially-motivated") Violence is caused by a very small minority of the public/english, the government sees that the ROOT-cause is a larger Peaceful portion of the english people: – ie. Those who agree with the reason for the (BBC:) "anti-immigration protests", and those who do not really/no longer agree with the government's claim/view that 'Diversity [cultural, ethnic, religious] is a strength' and that England is a "fantastic multi-ethnic democracy" :
2023-Sep-28 The Guardian: "Rishi SUNAK rejects Braverman claim MULTICULTURALISM has failed": (SUNAK:) –"I think this is something that is incredible about our country, is that it is a fantastic multi-ethnic democracy"
[EDITOR'S NOTE: "This article was amended on 2 October 2023. An earlier version misquoted Rishi Sunak as referring to the UK as a 'MULTICULTURAL democracy'; he described it as a 'MULTI-ETHNIC democracy'."]
SO, in order for the government to ROOT-out this wrong view from many english (in the long run preventing violence and hatred), it/they have created 'hate-crime' laws and ways (ie. 'Social Engeneering') to correct 'wrong-think', ie. what has become abNormal to think :
(Ref. "... racial and cultural landscape of the UK had changed so much that white Britain no longer DETERMINES what is normal for our society" (Sir Trevor Phillips [OBE , fmr. politician], 2024-Oct-14, The Telegraph)
2024-Nov-16 The Telegraph.co.uk: "The Welsh Government has pledged to change the 'beliefs and behaviour of the white majority' in Wales":
– Labour's ant-racist action plan aims to "build an inclusive society for all our black, Asian and minority ethnic people".
So, THE TWO decisive differences between the former SOVIET-people and today's welsh/english are, that the latter...
1. ... live in a democracy: "If you vote for the Labour Party, you get the future you choose" (video 17:45–18:27, Lotus Eaters #1044, segment "Our Governments Engage in Social Engineering");
2. ... and can use the Defamation Law when wrongly accused of thinking, behaving or being a 'racist'.