Can you name notable Christians with multiple wives? Matthew is pretty clear on marriage. Polygamy is clearly out of bounds.

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Happy Easter!

Side note: Rimbert wasn’t just some monk. He was archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen and led a Frisian army which defeated the Vikings and drove them out of East Frisia. The Hedeby where he preached wasn’t the modern Danish one but the trading port of Haithabu near Schleswig (with a very interesting museum).

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Brutal business….spare a thought for the fate of all those young ladies also and the fate of all the babies that that were born into the barbaric system. 🙏

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The Qur'an - 'Whoever castrates his slave, we will castrate him'.....Really?

'The slaves in the Muslim world were castrated for them to be more obedient and less fertile so that their numbers never grow or rebel against their slave masters. It was also done to control population growth which is an extreme act of cruelty, and don’t forget they also had caste systems too just look at the country called Mauritania that struggled to abolish slavery till 1981.' (Quora)

If that's what the Qur'an said in the quote above, then it would seem that a lot of the male muslim population worldwide must have ended up minus their genitals.

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Excellent article Mr Webb. If very grisly.

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Simon, there is surely a book in this story? Please consider writing on this subject that I have never heard of before. Just the fact that eunuchs were Europeans was completely unknown to me.

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