Excellent piece.

Two minor issues:

Agadir, not agidir. As I type this my spellcheck thinks both are "wrong",

Calcium Carbide is not an explosive, but creates Acetylene gas on contact with water. I suspect you recall "carbide lamps" from the old days. Combined with oxygen from the air this makes an excellent explosion.

A most entertaining material, useful for "educating" boys.

Many thanks for your good-humoured and eclectic journalism in print and video. (and the westerns)

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A little bit of onomatopoeia trivia - I once read that a pogrom is so called because it is the sound of marching jackboots on cobbles.

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That's an interesting idea.

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And somehow Welsh people think that Winston Churchill was a hero.

When in fact he was an enemy to the Welsh, planning their death.

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