Very interesting Simon. I was listening to Douglas Murray discussing something similar, comparing Islam to Christianity in respect of retribution. He said that according to the teachings of Jesus, we should always forgive. “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”. He said that if in just one of his many talks Jesus had said, “chop his head off”, or simply “Kill him”, Christianity and most of the western world would be in chaos now. It’s the fact there’s no consistency in the Islamic prophet’s dictates, many of which advocate grisly death and mutilation that causes all this indiscriminate violence.

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Yes, this is why Douglas Murray is loathed by liberals and progressives, because he speaks plainly and says what most of us already have observed!

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Let's not forget the murders of Josh McGuinness, George Wilkinson and Harry Rice, the three teenagers rammed by a speeding car driven by Jaynesh Chudasama. The police, authorities and the media have done all they can to cover up what truly happened. A car driven by someone intent on murder is even more deadly than a knife.

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Yes, what the American call vehicular homicide is also becoming a thing in this country.

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Let’s not forget the awful case of Lee Rigby

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Yes, indeed.

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Isn’t it exciting living in 21st Century Britain! You never know when you walk out of your front door in the morning whether you’ll be mugged, raped, stabbed, mown down, or blown up.

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But look on the bright side - you have a fair idea of who will be doing it!

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I've just finished reading Hungarian JewTomas Szasz, Myth of Mental Illness, and come on here and read what he would attack as you excusing the crimes of black men by calling them schizophrenic and as you saying that they suffer. I must say, I agree with his theory. Mental Illness is fiction. Criminals do not deserve the label victim.

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I am skeptical of the diagnosis of mental illness for the perpetrators of spontaneous killing sprees. Declaring an attacker to be mentally ill permits evidence to be suppressed from the public, the court case to be held in secret and the punishment to be much more lenient. In short, it is being used to cover up the prevalence of crimes of this nature along with the identities and ethnicities of the guilty so that people don't see it as a consequence of mass immigration.

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A big problem in western countries is the punishment no longer is as harsh as the crime. How long is the prison term for murder? The victim is dead forever. Or attempted murder? The victim may be maimed for life or even have a much shorter life. And of the victim later dies, is the charge changed to murder?

The disincentive for crime is no longer there, prison is just an inconvenience.

My father as a young man saw a public hanging about 1915. His take away was he never would he do anything bad enough that would result in his hanging.

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It is true that some people are only deterred from crime by harsh penalties. For carrying knives and even using them in Britain, the chances of being imprisoned are slight.

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When there was a death penalty, there were no repeat offenders.

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