The Culture War waged by the Left to demoralize and destabilize Western Civilization in preparation for gradual broadly Communist rule at least as much benefits Islam, its ally, which likewise sees Western Civilization in general and Christianity in particular as the enemy to be destroyed.

Communism and Islam have different ultimate goals and utopias (think of their trajectory in Iran, etc.), but both first need to destroy or subvert the traditional Anglosphere culture of Christian Liberality in order plausibly to seize power, given their own weaknesses. And while both are terrible in most ways, each excels specifically in seizing power -- unexcelled in all history -- and now they work together to replace Western Culture with Marxism or Islamic Law, the gradualist, subversive Gramscian Leninists allied with the "Religion of Peace and Tolerance" jihadis, two very different wolves wearing similar sheepish, Wokish clothing. If the West does not awaken soon, it may sleep forever.

It's interesting and disturbing to me that by far the three greatest mass-murdering tyrannies in human history -- Communism, Naziism, and Islamism -- very distinctively share a foundational, consuming contempt for Christianity. And yet it is the comparatively peaceful, productive, benevolent (even altruistic) Christians, specifically White Christians, who we are taught (by Marxists and their Islamist students) are the Root Cause of all the world's ills, Communism and/or Islam instead being the answers.

The Gramscian Leninist focus on gradually, monotonically increasingly control of the means of production of information and culture (most recently through DEI, first in education and now everywhere, which is _much_ more about leftist conformity than any diversity) has proven to be brilliant and sufficient so far to subvert the entire Western World (especially its lavish deficit spending) to its own ends. Political correctness has completely replaced factual correctness wherever the two meet.

Freedom from Reality is the only True Freedom, it seems. And this is why Christianity and Free Enterprise, the foundations of the Wicked West, are so evil, while tyrannical, impoverishing, and murderous Communism and Islam are obviously the better choices. Just ponder their mesmerizing promises!

Or to put it into Wokish: Did you know that under Communism there was complete freedom and no one had to worry about food, housing, education, healthcare, or employment? And did you know that Islam is the Religion of Peace and Tolerance for all? So completely different from the wicked Christian West with its war, poverty, patriarchy, racism, heteronormativity, and slavery!

And few people under 30 years old can understand how the prior paragraph is historically maximally sarcastic.

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Hear Hear

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An excellent review of the historical situation.

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Thank you!

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Some 237 years later in August 1920 Poles saved Europe again - it was the godless Bolshevik Red Army of 5.5 million strong marching on Western Europe when it was annihilated at the gates of Warsaw by a small less than a million Polish Army.

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Yes, Poland has been the saviour of Europe a number of times.

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While visiting Vienna I made a special trip to where the calvary charge was made. It still remains the largest calvary attack in military history.

They were also able to capture the huge baggage trains of the Muslims. And this is where Europeans discovered music cymbals, kettle drums, and most importantly, coffee.

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It was indeed the biggest cavalry charge in history!

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I think you might to revisit your comment about Europeans discovering music in 1683.

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Not music, but 2 instruments. And roasted coffee.

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I have no commercial benefit from this but if you enjoyed that - read Simon's book on the subject. I have always been fascinated by the War of the Three Kingdoms and was amazed to find this out.

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Hello Reginald, can you let me know the title of that book of Simon's please?

Kind regards... Paul.

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The Forgotten Slave Trade, Pen & Sword Books.

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All European Christians need unite against this evil cult that threats our civilization. Thanks a million for sharing this article. Would you share any books written on the subject? I would like to read more on this subject.

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Dear Julia,

A book of mine called The Forgotten Slave Trade covers a lot on this subject. It is published by Pen & Sword Books. It may be in your local library, but otherwise it is available on Amazon in various formats.

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I was aware of some of the broader facts that Simon raised - but learnt a great deal more here. it is worrying that after all the sacrifices Europeans have made to keep Islam at bay what is happening now across much of Europe. It seems we Europeans are not as wise as our ancestors.

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This is very true! Wisdom is not a notable feature of the modern age.

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Thanks for this Simon. It is worth noting that Gaddafi famously said perhaps 20 years ago that the Muslim world not invade Europe with armies, it would simply outbreed it.

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Yes, I remember that! I don't think that he was wrong...

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Thank you for this excellent piece, Simon. I would posit that Islam, just like any power structure or invading force, is only as strong as its weakest links and the Mohammedism is riddled with them. Given the fact that many of its adherents are the products of marriages between first cousins, it may well be that they simply do not have the wherewithall, nous or gumption to defeat the Caucasian countries.

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Marvellous! Thank you! I pray for a resurgence of European strength.

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Wonderful, Simon.

Greetings from Spain.

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Thank you!

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"...the Royal Navy was a shadow of what it had been under Elizabeth"


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Reading this was a time well spent

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Loved that.

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I'm glad that you found it worth reading.

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