Whenever I hear people talk about Jews ruling the world, it always reminds me of P. J. O’Rourke pointing out why world isn’t run by anybody, which ended with him writing along these lines, ‘And no, it’s not the Jews. Things might actually be running smoothly if they were’.

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This is very true!

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Pretty much like the 10 commandments. A decent recipe/starting point for a civilised society.

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I agree entirely! It is just amusing when you consider how funny some people are about the Talmud.

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What about following the other Israeli rules of killing 10 Palestinians to one Israeli death, then increasing it to 20-1. These Jewish rules are like all religous rules, they all come out with the same drivel. We should be forcing religion out of the state processes and make that Law, religion is the worst ideology in history!

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I was merely drawing attention to what America has done, not endorsing it!

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Well the Jewish lobby is so powerful in the US thus provides massive military support for Israel despite the war crimes. But religous text is so divisive in its many forms that should not be endorsed by governments. Religion had its place in history bringing Laws to crude states, today religion has no place in society!

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Politicians 🤷‍♂️

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You do understand the relationship that the Talmud claims, namely the relationship between Talmudists (all Jews to them) and the rest (namely the "goy"), right?

And assuming that you do, your thoughts on that?

I'm not quite sure your take on it based upon your comments below.

Note: I'm quite well versed in it.

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Rabbi Schneerson, who died in 1994, was the head of a group of ultra-orthodox Jews called the Lubavitcher. Their HQ is at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn. A breakaway sect of messianic Jews, who revere Rabbi Schneerson as the Messiah and claim he is still alive attempted to wrest control of the building from its legitimate owners, but their claim was rejected by the courts.

They nevertheless tred to occupy the buiding by digging a tunnel into it from a nearby disused mikva (ritual bath). The tunnel was discovered and the police were called. Several members of this breakaway sect have been arrested. The building has been temporarilty closed until structural engineers have assessed its safety. This is in today's news (9 Jan 2024)

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Yes, the Lubavitch people run stuff in London and I remember the bumper stickers saying Meschiach Achshav!

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