A really interested article which I can relate to - which leads me to ask this question: Despite the wonders of the modern age (technology, modern work practices etc) have we really evolved/adapted to live in such times as we do now? - modern life can seem stressful and alienating - most people do not seem happy or content to me - we live in a changing world which for me is one which losing it's identity and culture and seems doomed to disappear or at least change beyond all recognition. Perhaps in the stories that Simon highlights there is a connection to a simpler more fulfilling existence - even if life could be nasty, brutish and short.

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I don't think that all the wonders of modern technology have made people happier; it sometimes seems as though it is quite the reverse!

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This is fascinating and rings many bells. For example my ability to respond to Wagner despite not being German. A question to ask would be how much of this is European, or dare I say it 'Aryan'. Are Chinese and Japanese stories, or indeed North American Indian, completely different?

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This is a specifically European mythos, but that does not of course make it better than anybody else's! Other cultures have their own folklore, which rings bells in them, just as this one does with us.

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Great article Simon!

Thank you.

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I'm glad that you liked it!

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